Do you have your eyes on some new garage doors for your Calgary home? If so, you’ve probably thought about how they’re going to get installed. There are two options; hiring skilled technicians to do it for you, or taking on the mammoth task yourself. Doing things yourself can be highly rewarding. Whether it’s baking a cake from scratch, decorating your house, or fixing your car, you get a sense of achievement from being able to see something through to completion single-handedly. However, there are times when doing it yourself isn’t the right way to go. Your garage is more than just a large storage closet for tools, malfunctioning appliances, and, yes, automobiles. It’s one of the primary entrances to the rest of your home. With that in mind, installing a garage door by yourself may save a few bucks but could cost you in the long run. Here are seven reasons why you should contact a qualified garage door technician for an installation instead of doing it yourself.

Reasons to get Professionals to Install Your Garage Doors for You

If you’re planning on upgrading your garage door(s) and are tempted to install them on your own, stop and take a moment to read this first. Here are seven important reasons why it’s not recommended.

  1. It’s Dangerous – Something as big and heavy as a garage door should be handled with great care. If something goes wrong, it could suddenly fall onto you or others, causing serious injury or even death. When you think of DIY garage doors installation as life-threatening, it’s clear that you should avoid it. Doing it yourself just isn’t worth the risk.
  2. It Could be More Expensive – The reason many people consider installing their own garage doors is to save money by avoiding seemingly unnecessary costs. However, it’s not as expensive as you’d think. There are some very reasonable fees out there, and some companies will give you an assessment completely free of charge. Having your garage doors installed professionally will actually save you money in the long run, as you avoid the costly repairs that often come with DIY installation.
  3. They Might Not Function Correctly – Garage doors may appear simple enough, but the complexity of their mechanisms should not be underestimated. For that reason, it’s best to have a technician install them for you. It’s not as simple as putting together flat-pack furniture.
  4. There’s a Risk of Damage – If you carry out your garage doors installation incorrectly, with even the smallest parts out of place, it could cause unnecessary wear. This will damage the doors and their mechanism, meaning they require fixing or replacing much earlier than they should. Installation errors could also put your doors at risk of coming off track or balance and falling down. This could cause considerable damage. When you get a technician to install your garage doors, you don’t have to worry about that.
  5. It Takes Extra Time – Installing your own garage doors takes time. Before you even get started, you have to do a lot of research and reading, and perhaps even buy some parts or tools for the job. Why waste all that time when you could just get someone else to do the job for you? If you hire a technician to do it, you can sit back and relax or spend your time doing more important things. They’ll get it done much more quickly than you would be able to, and your garage doors will be fully functional in no time.
  6. You Need Certain Tools – Garage door installations require specialized tools and equipment which you aren’t likely to have lying around at home. If you want to do it yourself, not only do you have to get hold of them, but you need to learn how to use them correctly, too. Professionals will come to your home readily-equipped, taking all of that hassle out of the equation. In inexperienced hands, certain tools can be very dangerous. Stay safe and let the professionals handle it.
  7. And Certain Skills – There’s a reason why technicians are trained to install garage doors. Diving in head-first without any prior knowledge or experience of the process isn’t the smart thing to do. Getting the job done correctly requires expertise. If you attempt it yourself and come across any problems, you’ll be on your own with no one to help you. Plus, if you make a mistake, it will be much harder to reverse it. Avoid any mishaps and get a professional to install your garage doors.
Garage Doors Installation
Garage Doors Installation in Calgary

Professional Garage Doors Installation in Calgary

For all the reasons listed above, you shouldn’t consider installing your garage doors by yourself. Doing so may appear cheaper, but incurs extra costs later down the line which could come back to bite you. On top of that, it takes time and can be extremely dangerous. So why not let the professionals at B&W Garage Door Specialists do it for you? When your garage doors are in their hands, you can trust that they’ll be correctly installed and fully-functioning for years to come.